ジェイムズ ジョイス センター
What can I expect
- ジェイムズ・ジョイス・センターへの入場
- 10:30~16:30の間であればいつでもご来場いただけます
- 18 世紀のジョージアン様式のタウンハウス
- ジェイムズ・ジョイスの生涯についてすべて知りましょう。
- オーディオツアー
- 彼の住居の再現、美術展、そして『ユリシーズ』の原本
James Joyce Centre
This great museum is located in an old Georgian house on George's Street. The shows you all about the life of James Joyce and the work that he done over the years when he was alive.
He was an Irish novelist, poet and literary critic and he is regarded as one of the most influential and important writers of the 20th Century. He was always known for experimenting use of language and exploring new literary methods.
He used methods such as interior monologue, symbolic parallels and puns, inverted words and allusions in the novels that he wrote, especially in one of his most famous books; Ulysses and Finnegans Wake. At the James Joyce Centre you can see the famous No. 7 Eccles Street from Ulysses.
There is a permanent interactive exhibition on Ulysses. In the James Joyce Centre you will get great insight into what inspired Joyce's work.
There are free audio tours of the building as well as additional walking tours around Dublin City.
We have endless options for museum lovers visiting Dublin City. Discover even more Irish literary greats at MoLI, enjoy authentic Dubliner tales and belongings at The Little Museum, or explore the unique past of Ireland inside EPIC Museum.